Thursday, March 24, 2011

Tun-ugan ta!

If u enjoy eating out for less then tun-ugan is the place to be :D. After work most people from my city goes to Tun-ugan to buy pork bbq, tapa bbq, chorizo bbq, liver bbq, chicken intistine bbq (in short ay isaw ^_^) they even sell pig's brain. I know it sounds gross to some who's not too adventurous but promise this one taste great. Its a bit creamy and smooth to the taste. The dice veggies such as potatoes and carrots add color to the pale "you-know-what" and making it more nutritious. You better come in my city and taste it yourself - you'll either hate it or love it :D
Tun-ug in visayas means dusk and Tun-ugan is a place that comes to life after dusk.