Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Santa Monica Parish Church, Capiz

Santa Monica Parish of Pan-ay was established in 1580.


Landel, Ann and I posed at the biggest bell in Asia and 3rd biggest in the world.

The English translation of the bell's inscription
"I am God's voice which I shall echo and praise from one end to the other of the town of Panay so that the faithful followers of Christ may come to this house of God to receive the heavenly graces.

This serves as a replica of the real Dakong Lingganay which means "big bell" located inside the belfry of the Santa Monica Parochial Church. In 1878 Fray Jose Beloso, OSA (1815-1888) the parish priest of Panay. commissioned Don Juana Reina to cast a bell for the Church from seventy sacks of coins donated by the townsfolk. This church bell is the biggest in Asia, measures seven feet in diameter five feet in height, and weighs 183 arrobas (10.4 tons or 23,000 lbs.)